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okładka „Nasze ciała, nasze życie”

Network of East-West Women published a Polish adaptation of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” in 2004. The book arrived on the heels of Poland’s post-communist transformation to a market economy, a period during which Polish society was extremely distrustful of healthcare reform and in need of unbiased, evidence-based information.

The book contains all the content in the U.S. edition of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” adapted to the Polish context and, in the case of one chapter, restructured to allow for a deeper discussion on the needs of older women, specific medical practices that affect the health and lives of women, and the power of knowledge.

The book is particularly relevant for young girls, who lack information about their bodies, sexuality and contraception. For this reason, the book places heavy emphasis on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Read the preface (in English)

The booklet produced by NEWW-Polska in 2005, is a report outlining the results of the Gender Budget analysis in Gdansk, Poland. The report provides a detailed discussion of the demographic, education, health and local labor structures in Gdansk. In addition to providing gender budgeting methods and tools used in other countries, the synopsis outlines three selected issues of Gdansk society and presents recommendations which may serve as aids in planning budgets in the region. Central government’s financial policies and its potential effects on local communities is also raised. The resource is part of the Gdansk Gender Budget Initiative, which is aimed at creating permanent instruments which ensure that local authorities incorporate a gender perspective into their expenditures.



In 2001 in response to the rapidly declining economic status of women in CEE/NIS, in July 2001, NEWW held its first annual Gender Policy Conference in Krakow, Poland. The Conference addressed the impact of international economic policies on women in CEE/NIS. The meeting focused on three substantive areas:

  • The role of international financial institutions;
  • Trade and labor conditions; and
  • The impact of international financial policies on women in CEE/NIS.

The Conference brought together over sixty NEWW members and experts in the CEE/NIS to identify gaps in existing research and advocacy, and to decide on future collaborative initiatives to be undertaken by NEWW to address these issues. Additionally, the Conference helped to develop strategic alliances between policy analysts, researchers, economists and women’s rights activists to address issues of economic and social injustice that affect women throughout CEE/NIS.

The report „Women and Economy” is a result of a conference held in 2003 in Gdansk. It was an outcome of the impact of the first NEWW’s conference in 2001 and two follow-up projects „Gender and Economic Justice in the EU Accession and Integration and Women’s Economic Justice Network”. The report identifies new concrete strategies to transform specific economic processes that are having great impact on the lives of women in CEE/NIS.




„Women at work : equality or discrimination? : protection of women from discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace”.






“Gender Budgeting as an instrument for managing scientific organisations to promote equal opportunities for women and men – with the example of universities”  focused on answering a question: how can Gender Budgeting be applied as a powerful instrument in the budgeting policy of an organisation? The intention is to show which dimensions and which phases of the budgeting process have to be considered. Furthermore, some basic steps for a systematic integration of gender issues into the budgeting process were developed.



Comparative analysis concerning three Polish cities: Gdańsk, Łódź and Wrocław concerning Gender Budgeting was one of the outcomes of NEWW research on the topic of local budgets and women needs. „Money also have Gender” was the report of 2012 seminar on this issue.





The report „Domestic Violence in the South Baltic Region” does not provide  solutions to the problem of domestic violence but offers interesting and important insights into the situation in the four countries which neighbor each other and want to develop further and deeper cooperation in supporting women’s rights.  The publication allows policy makers and practitioners like police, social workers, staff of civil society organizations and others to better understand and deal with the problem of women abuse which happens in their own home.









After 2010 NEWW engaged even more in local activities in Gdansk providing legal and psychological advice to women- victims of domestic and sexual violence. The booklet „Violence has Different Faces” was given to women doing for counseling.

Locally, in Gdańsk NEWW was engaged in providing support for women regarding the use of modern technologies.








In the recent years local elections inspired NEWW to publish a series of three booklets on women’s participation in political life a t the local level: ABC of Equality, and two booklets on women in local government.








In cooperation with Książka i Wiedza Publishing House in 2018 NEWW published in Polish Ann Snitow’s book: The Feminism of Uncertainty: A Gender Diary